All posts by Kit Livingston

Verizon’s New Commercial

Have you seen it? The one that states ‘Data Plans Aren’t One Size Fits All’? My first thought was: ‘Nice! A powerhouse like Verizon is highlighting a service that is one of the most unpredictable, management challenging concepts in the industry.’ To be honest, I didn’t catch the rest of the message so I’m not sure what the end result was but I can tell you from experience, when not managed correctly, data plans represent one of the largest consumers of wasted money for companies with corporate liable devices.

At the risk of stating the obvious, the most challenging aspects of data plan management is usage. Why?  Typically, consumers and companies choose over-inflated plans to avoid overage.  If you have been on the receiving end of going over, then you know why someone would choose a bigger plan than needed; going over on a data plan can be expensive in a frightening way.  It’s why companies tend to err on the side of buying bigger to avoid overages.  For them, bigger means more data which means less money over time.  However, this ideology couldn’t be further from the truth.  When data plans are not managed properly, it can cost companies upwards of 20 to 35% more when data usage doesn’t match the data plans.  This statistic includes plans that are underutilized.

Another issue where companies overlook is management oversight. By not inspecting usage monthly companies are, in a sense, throwing caution to the wind and counting on luck that the plans they chose are performing optimally.  Click here to learn more about the complexities of wireless invoices.  Data consumption is at an all-time high with no end in sight of slowing.  Even if a size fits now, it is guaranteed to not always fit and why it is more important than ever to be vigilant by inspecting the data usage of employees monthly.  Another thing most employers don’t consider is the amount of off hour data usage that is consumed.  Video streaming, Skype, gaming; it all adds up and if you don’t have eyes on the game you’re going to miss the pass.

Mobile Expense Management is designed to provide the keenest oversight and optimal invoice optimization. Add a little-known industry secret called pool adjusting and your company will be positioned to not only stay within budget, but save anywhere from 10 to 35 percent on mobility cost.  Click here to read about a MobilSense client who did just that.

Truly a No-Brainer

The meaning of no-brainer: ‘something that requires no thought before deciding.’ You could be wondering why I would begin my blog with a definition of ‘no-brainer.’ I’m glad you asked. It’s the one term that comes to mind when describing our mobile expense management solution, MobilSentry™. You see, the amount of effort it takes in comparison to the savings results it yields literally requires very little to no thought before deciding to purchase, aka ‘no-brainer.’

MobilSentry™ is a mobile cost management solution that pays for itself in three months making it virtually budget neutral. When you factor in one of its key features, that is knowing exactly how much your company will save in advance of your purchase, the cost risk is literally removed. I mean, all it takes to find out if you’re overpaying your mobile carrier is to simply upload your invoices, or we can do it for you, and voilà! Without purchasing anything up front, you know within hours if your company is overpaying your carriers. I would like to let you in on a little secret; most companies are overpaying which solidifies the case for my ‘no-brainer’ moniker.

What if ease of use and cost savings isn’t necessarily your top priority when processing all those mobile invoices. It’s highly unlikely there’s a company out there who doesn’t want to save money, but let’s say removing non-business usage and waste is your top priority. What if you knew that by using MobilSentry™ you could reduce your monthly carrier invoices while also identifying individuals that are overusing data? Not only identify abuse, but remove it with policy monitoring?

What if you could find:

  • A mobile cost management solution that would pay for itself in three months
  • You would know exactly how much savings in advance of purchasing
  • It would provide significant usage oversight and policy monitoring
  • What if your return on investment continues to multiply after three months?

What would you have to determine for this to be your experience?

  • Understand our information privacy policy or sign a non-disclosure
  • Provide three months of your carrier billing data (temporarily share your login or provide three months of carrier invoice PDF files)

How quickly would I know:

  • We can load your data the same day we receive it
  • We can provide an estimate within two days of loading your data

See what I mean?  Truly a no-brainer!  What do you have to lose?

Eww, he’s stealin!

Theft blog graphicI think you would agree that the saying ‘there’s one in every crowd’ takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to company theft.  It’s an ugly subject for sure and now that I’m in the know around the dark side of mobile expense management, I feel it’s my duty to share it with you so that you can avoid it and stop it if it’s happening to your company.

It started out innocent enough.  A well-known, nationwide company was introduced to MobilSense through an associate who after hearing about his friend’s mobile challenges thought we could help.  Since the friend was the manager, he assigned the discovery phase to his mobile specialist who became our point of contact.  Once introduced, we went through the normal routine of presenting the features and functionality of our platform.  The point of contact seemed to be impressed and after a meeting with the executive, we were off and running, or so we thought.  The point of contact agreed to give us his carrier logins so we could upload their data.  Once the data was uploaded, we identified a large monthly savings which was so impressive he was excited to share it with our friend and sponsor.  It was a great start! Or, so we thought.

The first indication something was amiss was when we couldn’t get the new point of contact back on the phone to talk about next steps.  We emailed, we called, we emailed and we called with almost no response.  After some internal dialog we decided it would be remiss if we didn’t circle back out to our initial contact; which we did.  He was surprised to hear that things had not moved forward, apologized and scheduled an in-person meeting with his team.  The meeting was as successful as we thought it would be once they saw the amount of money they could save by using MobilSentry.  By the end of the week, we had a new client.  That’s when things got interesting.

One of the key recommendations was to terminate a number of older technology phones.  But, for some reason, we couldn’t get our point of contact to give us the information we needed to terminate the devices.  When we finally went ahead without him and processed a large number of terminations, we noticed there was a percentage of phones with new early termination fees (ETFs).  Big red flag!  How could that be?  The devices had been zero use devices for many months; many with no-use for longer than a year and were still zero use!  That’s when the shenanigans came to light.  The ETFs were a result of new smartphones being ordered against the inventory of zero use devices.  The zero use devices continued to be zero use, but somewhere out-there was an inventory of company purchased phones being used by anonymous people on their own mobile accounts so it didn’t show up on our customer’s bill!

We now all have to wonder; how many smartphones and/or hot spots are being purchased by companies with corporate liable cell phones for non-employees?  Don’t be this company.  Be the company who manages effectively by working with a mobile expense management company, like MobilSense.

For information about Corporate Theft, click here.