Tag Archives: wireless expense managment

Proven Tips to Minimize Wireless Data Costs

With the arrival of data-centric wireless billing, companies now must choose between not only different pooling models but whether to use the latest version of unlimited data plans. In one pooling model, data is purchased in bulk plan amounts but limits are placed on the device count for each pool. Another model allows for pooling all your devices together with the allocation of data distributed in small quantities from each device. While each pool model has its benefits, the best pool model for your company depends upon a number of factors. Since the carriers don’t have insight to your company culture, the counsel they offer is strictly based on trends. How do you make an educated decision and not just rely on recommendations? Are there users for which unlimited data plans make sense? How do you choose the right plans for your company while achieving the lowest cost possible?

We have years of experience helping companies navigate pooling choices and have compiled the latest insights around data into a recently published white paper. If you are interested in learning how your company can save money on its mobility cost, click here to download our white paper, Optimizing Invoices in Today’s Data Centric Wireless World.

Mobile Corporate Theft, It’s Bigger than you Think

The emergence of mobile devices in today’s business culture has not only met the demands for more efficiency and productivity in the work place but has brought with it new areas of misuse of corporate funds.  Because mobile technology and smartphones have become increasingly central in business environments, this new category of mobile assets and data corporate theft has the potential to cause a tremendous negative financial impact.

Because mobile devices are the source of not only communication, but lends itself to overall productivity the wider accessibility to distracting applications can result in theft of not only company time, but wages and mobile data. MobilSense has witnessed a diverse number of company theft situations and have identified three categories to watch out for: intentional, semi-intentional and unintentional.  While we have found most users of company provided mobile devices to be responsible corporate citizens, the challenge is to find those who fall under these three categories and guide the behavior before it gets out of hand.

Forward thinking companies have not only clarified their expectations of acceptable business and non-business usage by adopting clear and concise mobile policies, but they have also implemented methods that inspect compliance to the policies they have established.  In the end, when mobile assets or mobile data are misused or stolen, both time and productivity suffer which ultimately equates to corporate dollars lost.

Click here to read more about this challenge.

Double Liability

The emergence of smartphones, coupled with the surge of mobile applications has conditioned employees to frequently check social media, online news sources and, when bored, stream video and play easily accessible mobile games. While multi-tasking is commonly considered a desirable attribute, when that skill is being used to intermingle personal and business activities on company time it costs companies twice in lost productivity and unneeded data charges.

The Double Liability

When an employee is using work time to consume mobile data by using or viewing mobile apps, not only is productive time lost but mobile data costs escalate. Though the average cost of mobile data has declined in recent years, with increased usage the total cost of  data has dramatically increased. Funding unproductive time with unneeded mobile data has become a double liability for companies.

Cell Phones are the Top Distraction

A recent study by CareerBuilder found 52% of over 2,000 respondents cited cell phones as the most common distraction to business activity. The estimated amount of time wasted during the day depended on several factors: the industry in which they worked, the employee’s role in the organization and even the level of their education.

Data Analytics as a Deterrent

If you aren’t using data analytics on your carrier invoices to identify employee productivity time, you should be. Understanding patterns can lead to appropriate intervention and dramatically reduce the effects of distracted employees.

Click here to learn more.