Tag Archives: mobile expense management

Matching Solutions to Your Mobility Management Needs

While every mobility management strategy will have cost containment as one of its core components, the points of emphasis in each strategy can be as diverse as the company cultures. For some, the mobile device is considered a company perk and comes with few restrictions. In rare circumstances, that perk might be extended to family members of employees. Organizations on the other end of the spectrum may have strict cost guidelines and even stricter security requirements.

The results of these strategies often have only critical employees receiving company-provided devices with stringent limitations for business-only usage. These cases typically result in the need for employees to carry two mobile devices, one for business and one for personal use. In extenuating circumstances, companies have chosen to shift the entire expense and management burden of mobility assets to its employees. For some, that privilege comes with a stipend or company reimbursement and for others the employee may receive no compensation.

Click here to read our white paper on why your company culture is a critical determinant in matching solutions to your mobility management needs.

Is Your Company Challenged by AMI Cellular Costs?

Managing the cost of a Smart Grid network with extensive telemetry assets demands an entirely different strategy than a typical data pool of smartphones, tablets and data cards. Carriers won’t be helpful in suggesting ways to curb your expense because of the dynamic nature of the data usage.

Managing machine-to-machine pooled data requires experience and real-time action to avoid costly overruns. We know because we support utility companies. In fact, we are helping one major utility company save 10% per month on a base of 30,000 telemetry devices where we maintain a cost/device consistently below $2.50 month.

Click here to learn more.

Are Carriers Plotting to Steadily Increase Your Invoice?

Unlike voice, why don’t mobile carriers offer free night/weekend data?

With data as the measure it shouldn’t surprise you carriers love smart device data-intensive apps, particularly when it’s off-peak.

Caution, your employees may be using more data during off-peak hours.

Because of streaming videos and other useful media apps, it is more than likely that your employees use more data away from work than at work.

Psst, it’s much easier to run up costs with data than with voice.

Click here to learn how this may be impacting your company.