

MobilSense brings four unique characteristics that other mobile WEM vendors are unable to duplicate.
First, our software interface and algorithms refined over 19 years of experience are unequaled in our industry. From our inception in 2001:

  • MobilSense places high value in applying automation
  • MobilSentry™ offers time-saving process automation with powerful algorithms
  • Invoice scrubbing identifies errors and maximum savings every month

Second, we have pioneered a rapid development methodology to address unique customer needs:

  • We listen to our customers for new capabilities
  • Our approach is option driven, expanding, or reducing capabilities to fit each client’s specifications
  • There is no other wireless WEM vendor takes this proactive development methodology approach

Third, we have added and integrated mobile data management into MobilSentry™, which is unique in the WEM industry:

  • Mobile data management represents the ability to see categories of employee data usage in real-time on their handsets
  • Usage can be used to monitor and implement mobile usage policies
  • Alert users to assist them in better self-managing their usage

Finally, we deliver our services with the highest emphasis on customer care. We go above and beyond to ensure that our clients are receiving full value from our services.

With MobilSense’s unequaled capabilities and premium customer experience, this is what makes us unique.

Click the link to read a client’s experience with data overages and our solution, MobilSentry™.