
Midsize Solutions for Energy Companies

Energy Industry – Proven Results

With over fifteen years’ experience in supporting companies in the energy industry, we have learned while company and industry needs can vary, the requirements that emanate from energy industry regulations can be particularly burdensome. Most prevalent among these are related to expense management, control processes and auditing oversight. This is where MobilSense comes in. We bring control and discipline to one of the largest and most dynamic IT expense categories – mobility. Having served dozens of utility companies, we have developed a keen understanding of the needs and challenges of managing mobile devices in a regulated environment. We bring an unprecedented quality of mobile expense management and control. Our service delivery is built from leading-edge technology surrounded by an unparalleled drive for precision and excellence.

Coming in at just over 22%, Forrester projects that Telecommunications expenses will remain the largest category of overall IT Spending. Annual cost per employee for mobility handsets and services can run $1500 to $2000 a year. With the paradigm shift to data-centric pools, mobile costs have become increasingly difficult to manage, monitor and inspect. With data metering, there is no longer the free night and weekend break carriers offered in the days of voice metering which means usage is measured 24×7 on the new data-seeking applications of today’s handhelds. An increasing problem of waste and abuse is too frequently undetectable by most mobile cost management vendors, which often define their scope of services too narrowly around their comfort zone of invoice payment and periodic optimization.

Challenges of Midsize Energy Companies

Most midsize companies are overspending on their wireless carriers because they lack the internal expertise to uncover concealed savings opportunities and the option of licensing an expense management solution can be tedious and costly. When it comes to unregulated midsize companies, the desire for effective mobility expense control is often displaced by other pressing company priorities but this is not a luxury that regulated companies can entertain.

Historically, mobile expense management solutions have been designed for large companies leaving midsize energy companies without answers that fit their limited budgets. With the introduction of MobilSentryDIY™ fortunately, midsize companies now have exactly what they have been waiting for, an automated self-service mobile expense management solution at a price point that works for their midsize budgets.

Revolutionary DIY Solution for the Mid-Market

With the power of this fully optimized solution, midsize companies can stay current with the constantly changing landscape of carrier rate plan and feature offerings, insuring that they no longer need to overpay for wireless mobile services month after month. MobilSentryDIY™ is the industry’s first, cloud-based, do-it-yourself optimization solution that delivers all the power of enterprise wireless optimization and at a price point that will pay for itself many times over from the savings generated.

An Instant Assessment Free Offer

How do you know if you have a mobility expense management problem? Much like a slow underground leak which can persist for years without detection, most midsize companies are completely unaware of the magnitude and duration of their wireless carrier overpayments. We understand the natural skepticism to the existence of a problem, so we have developed a simple, painless and quick method for companies to identify the existence of potential expense control deficiencies through an online browser tool. With a few metrics from your latest wireless invoice, MobilAlertDIY™ provides an early warning indication of potential control inadequacies before taking time to assess any deeper challenges. This self-administered tool instantly measures the difference between your actual cost per device and an ideal cost per device based on the number and mix of your device types. The ideal cost per device is calculated using industry-best pricing and management practices. As a self-service solution, MobilAlertDIY™ requires no commitment and only minutes to complete. Click on the button below to see how information gathered from your latest wireless invoice can determine whether a more thorough assessment might be judicious.

It’s simple, it’s fast and self-service – give it a try.

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