
Free Mobile Data Usage (MDU) Assessment

Why I Should Consider This Offer

  • The single largest contributor to carrier cost increases in the past two years comes from increased data usage and will continue to rise.
  • Studies show that average business-liable GB usage per device grew from 1.6 GB in 2015 to 2.4 GB per device in 2017.
  • Industry projections indicate mobile data usage will more than triple in the next four years.

What is the Scope of This Analysis

  • Upload the three most recent months of each carrier invoice.
  • Once loaded, a 10-point automated analysis will be generated to include recommended ways to control employee data usage along with invoice savings, increased monitoring and control.

Following is a summary of the 10-point analysis:

1. Actual Data Usage Versus Industry Averages – Understanding how your company usage compares to the industry.

2. Quantifying Wasted Data Usage – Determine spend rate over the required carrier minimum data purchase level.

3. Reviewing Top Users – Understanding how top users are using data is key to gaining control over the problem of increasing wireless costs.

4. Repetitive Top Users – The real problem lies with those who repeatedly fall in the top percentiles. Knowing who and how frequently they appear is key.

5. Segmenting Top Users – Once the top users are identified, MobilSentry™ breaks them down into usage brackets to not only quantify the problem, but understand the savings potential related to each bracket.

6. Recognizing Video Streaming – One hour of streaming alone can add 1GB of total usage to a mobile device; knowing who is likely streaming is important to enforce policies and controls.

7. Streaming Users by Bracket – We will correlate the information so that the underlying cause of growing data usage is understood.

8. Usage by Time of Day – Identifies where the company is unnecessarily paying for an employee’s off-hours entertainment.

9. Off-hours Usage by Bracket – Correlate top user brackets with the results of those with more off-hours data consumption than business hours consumption.

10. Streaming Versus Time of Day – Correlate streaming with business and off-hours time-stamps.

Actionable Intelligence Leads to Real Cost Savings

Once the 10-point analysis is complete, our experts will provide detailed explanations of all the data analyzed as well as suggest ways to increase control over employee data usage.

Contact Me About a Free Assessment